Mineral resources of Poland> Concession maps
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Map of concessions for hydrocarbon exploration and production, and non-resorvoir storage of substances in the subsurface and storage of wastes in the subsurface.

Map of curently conducted drilling works for natural gas and crude oil

Map of hydrocarbon concessions divided according to the eploratory target

Map of concessions for prospecting , exploration and production of rock, chemical and metal deposits

Map of concessions for hard coal and CBM prospecting, exploration and production in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin

Map of concessions for hard coal and CBM prospecting, exploration and production in the Lublin Coal Basin

Map of concessions for hard coal and CBM prospecting, exploration and production in the Lower Silesian Coal Basin

Map of concessions for prospecting, exploration and production of lignite deposits

Map of concessions for prospecting, exploration and production of curative and thermal waters and brines and project of geological works for prospecting or exploration of waters considered minerals