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Useful information

Mining areas and mining countries

To retrieve detailed information on a specific deposit, you need to click Wyszukiwanie (Search) in the tab Złoża kopalin (Mineral deposits) and enter the deposit number. The search will result in a specific deposit. When you enter parameters other than the deposit number, your search may result in a list of deposits. The list of deposits that fulfil the set criteria will appear in the centre of the screen in the box called ‘Złoża – lista wyników wyszukiwania’ (‘Deposits – search results’). You select a deposit by ticking the appropriate radio button (the dot in the second column of the table). You will then see information available to service users, including the graphic presentation of the deposit contours, that is displayed in the following tabs: Podgląd (View), Kopaliny (Minerals), Podtyp (Subtype) and Ruchy zasobów (Changes within resources). In order to access data in the MIDAS service, you do not have to log in. Higher level permission is required only to generate a report about a deposit in Wyszukiwanie (Search) in Złoża kopalin (Mineral deposits).