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Publikacje zagraniczne

  1. Alexander W.R, McKinley Deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. Radioactivity in the environment. Vol 9
  2. Costs of Reprocessing Versus Directly Disposing of Spent Nuclear Fuel before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate November 14, 2007
  3. DYREKTYWA RADY 2011/70/EURATOM z dnia 19 lipca 2011 r. ustanawiająca ramy wspólnotowe w zakresie odpowiedzialnego i bezpiecznego gospodarowania wypalonym paliwem jądrowym i odpadami promieniotwórczymi
  4. IAEA 2006 — Geological disposal of radioactive waste.Safety Standards No WS-R-4
  5. IAEA 2007 — Strategy and Methodology for Radioactive Waste Characterization. TECDOC-1537
  6. Makhnach A., Petrova N., Kutyrlo V., Vysotsky E. Problems and prospects for construction of radioactive waste disposal sites in Belarus Przegląd Geologiczny tom 57, nr 9 (2009)
  7. Reversibility and Retrievability in Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste Reflections at the International Level NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT 2010
  8. Transportation and Storage Subcommittee Report to the Full Commission Updated Report Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future Washington, DC January 2012
  9. Boisson J.-Y. (ed.), 2005 - Clay Club Catalogue of Characteristics of Argillaceous Rocks. NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY No. 4436
  10. Chapman N.A., 2006 - Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes – Concept, Status and Trends. Journal of Iberian Geology, 32 (1): 7-14
  11. Claret F., Bauer A., Schaefer, Griffault L., Lanson B., 2002 - Experimental investigation in the interaction of clays with high-pH solutions: a case study from the Callovo– Oxfordian formation, Meuse-Haute Marne underground laboratory (France). Clays and Clay Minerals, 50, 632–645
  12. Claret F., Sakharov B.A., Drits V.A., Velde B., Meunier A., Griffault L., Lanson B., 2004 - Clay minerals in the Meuse-Haute Marne underground laboratory (France): Possible influence of organic matter on clay mineral evolution. Clays and Clay Minerals, 52: 515-532
  13. Cuadros J., 2008 - Clay as sealing material in nuclear waste repositories. Geology Today, 24, (3): 99-103
  14. Delage P., Cui Y.J., Tang A.M., 2010 - Clays in radioactive waste disposal. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2 (2): 111–123
  15. Delay J., Rebours H., Vinsot A., Robin P., 2007 - Scientific investigation in deep wells for nuclear waste disposal studies at the Meuse/Haute Marne underground research laboratory, Northeastern France. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 32: 42–57
  16. Deniau I., Devol-Brown I., Derenne S., Behar F., Largeau C., 2008 - Comparison of the bulk geochemical features and thermal reactivity of kerogens from Mol (Boom Clay), Bure (Callovo–Oxfordian argillite) and Tournemire (Toarcian shales) underground research laboratories. Science of the Total Environment, 389: 475-485
  17. Gaucher E., Robelin C., Matray J.M., Negrel G., Gros Y., Heitz J.F., et al., 2004 – Andra underground research laboratory: interpretation of the mineralogical and geochemical data acquired in the Callovian–Oxfordian formation by investigative drilling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C. Water Geochem. Hydrogeol., 29: 55–77
  18. Mazurek M., 1999 - Mineralogy of the Opalinus Clay. In: M. Thury, P. Bossart (eds.): Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. Results of the Hydrogeological, Geochemical and Geotechnical Ex¬periments Performed in 1996 and 1997. Geological Report, 23: 15-18. Swiss National Hydrological and Geological Sur¬vey, Bern
  19. Mazurek M., Pearson F.J., Volckaert G., Bock H., 2003 - Features, Events and Processes Evaluation Catalogue for Argillaceous Media. NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY No. 4437
  20. Nuclear Waste Disposal in Germany - Investigation and evaluation of regions with potentially suitable host rock formations for a geologic nuclear repository, 2007. BGR, Hannover/Berlin, April 2007
  21. Ramirez S., Vieillard P., Bouchet A., Cassagnabere A., Meunier A., Jacquot E., 2005 – Alteration of the Callovo–Oxfordian clay from Meuse-Haute Marne underground laboratory (France) by alkaline solution. I. A XRD and CEC study. Applied Geochemistry, 20: 89–99
  22. Tinseau E., Bartier D., Hassouta L., Devol-Brown I., Stammopse D., 2006 - Mineralogical characterization of the Tournemire argillite after in situ interaction with concretes. Waste Manage. 26, 7: 789–800
  23. Thury M., 2002 - The characteristics of Opalinus Clay investigated in the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory in Switzerland. C. R. Physique, 3: 923-933
  24. Thury M., Bossart P., 1999 - The Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, a new international research project in a Mesozoic shale formation, in Switzerland. Engineering Geology, 52: 347-359
  25. Turrero M.J., Fernández A.M., Pena J., Sánchez M.D., Wersin P., Bossart P., Sánchez M., Melón A., Garralón A., Yllera A., Gómez P., Hernán P., 2006 - Pore water chemistry of a Paleogene continental mudrock in Spain and a Jurassic marine mudrock in Switzerland: Sampling methods and geochemical interpretation. Journal of Iberian Geology 32 (2) 2006: 233-258
  26. Van Keer I., De Craen M., 2001 - Sedimentology and diagenetic evolution of the Boom Clay: state of the art. SCK-CEN report R-3483, Mol, Belgium
  27. Verstricht J., Blümling P., Merceron T., 2003 - Repository concepts for nuclear waste disposal in clay formations. In: Fields Neasurements in Geomechanics. Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. Oslo (Norway) 15-18 September 2003
  28. Vieillard P., Ramirez S., Bouchet A., Cassagnabere A., Meunier A., Jacquot E., 2004 – Alteration of the Callovo-Oxfordian clay from Meuse-Haute Marne Underground Laboratory (France) by alkaline solution: II. Modelling of mineral reactions. Applied Geochemistry, 19: 1699–1709
  29. Aranyossy J.F. (ed.), 2007 - Clay in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste cofinement. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 32(1-7): 1-538
  30. Landais P., Aranyossy J.F. (eds), 2004 - Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. Papers from ANDRA Meeting, Reims, France, 2002. Applied Clay Science, 26(1-4): 1-542
  31. Potter P.E, Maynard, J,B., Depetris, P.J., 2005 - Mud and Mudstones. Springer, Berlin, 289 pp. ISBN 3-540-22157-3
  32. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Models and Data for the Repository System 2012 Part 2. Posiva Report 2013-1
  33. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Models and Data for the Repository System 2012 Part 1. Posiva Report 2013-1
  34. Yu L., Rogiers B., Gedeon M., Marivoet J., De Craen M., Mallants D., 2013 - A critical review of laboratory and in-situ hydraulic conductivity measurements for the Boom Clay in Belgium. Applied Clay Science, 75-76, p. 1-12
  35. Dupuis M-C., Gonnot F-M.,2013 - The Cigeo project: Meuse/Haute-Marne reversible geological disposal facility for radioactive waste. ANDRA Publication
  36. Aparicio L. (ed.), 2013 - Making nuclear waste governable - Deep underground disposal and the challenge of reversibility. ANDRA Publication
  37. Bollingerfehr W., Filbert W., Herold P., Lerch C., Müller-Hoeppe N., Charlier F., Kilger R., 2013 - Technical Design and Optimization of a HLW-Repository in the Gorleben Salt Dome including Detailed Design of the Sealing System. WM2013 Conference, February 24 -28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  38. Mönig J., Beuth T., Wolf J., Lommerzheim A., Mrugalla S., 2013 - Preliminary Safety Analysis of the Gorleben Site: Safety Concept and Application to Scenario Development Based on a Site-Specific Features, Events and Processes (Fep) Database – 13304. WM2013 Conference, February 24 -28, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  39. The Safety Case and Safety Assessment for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 2012. IAEA Safety Standards Series SSG-23
  40. Saari J., 2012 - Seismic Activity Parametres of the Olkiluoto Site. Posiva Report 2012-34
  41. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto -Surface and Near-Surface Hydrological Modelling in the Biosphere Assessment BSA-2012. Posiva Report 2012-30
  42. Fox A., Forchhammer K., Pettersson A., La Pointe P., Lim, D-H., 2012 - Geological Discrete Fracture Network Model for the Olkiluoto Site, Eurajoki, Finland. Posiva Report 2012-27
  43. Pimenoff N., Venäläinen A., Järvinen H., 2012 - Climate And Sea Level Scenarios For Olkiluoto For The Next 10,000. Posiva Report 2012-26
  44. McEwen T.(ed.), Aro S., Kosunen P., Mattila J., Pere T., Käpyaho A., Hellä P., 2012 - Rock Suitability Classification - RSC 2012. Posiva Report 2012-24
  45. Pere T.(ed.), Mattila J., Aro S., Ahokas H., Vaittinen T., 2012 - Layout Determining Features, their Influence Zones and Respect Distances at the Olkiluoto Site. Posiva Report 2012-21
  46. Poteri A., Nordman H., Pulkkanen V-M., Hautojärvi A., Kekäläinen, P., 2012 - Representing Solute Transport Through the Multi-Barrier Disposal System by Simplified Concepts. Posiva Report 2012-20
  47. Sievänen U., Karvonen T., Dixon D., Hansen J., Jalonen T., 2012 - Design, Production and Initial State of the Underground Disposal Facility Closure. Posiva Report 2012-19
  48. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Synthesis 2012. Posiva Report 2012-12
  49. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Biosphere Assessment 2012. Posiva Report 2012-10
  50. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto -Assessment of Radionuclide Release Scenarios for the Repository System 2012. Posiva Report 2012-9
  51. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Formulation of Radionuclide Release Scenarios 2012. Posiva Report 2012-8
  52. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Features, Events and Processes 2012. Posiva Report 2012-7
  53. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Complementary Considerations 2012. Posiva Report 2012-11
  54. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto -Description of the Disposal System 2012. Posiva Report 2012-5
  55. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Performance Assessment 2012. Posiva Report 2012-4
  56. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Design Basis 2012. Posiva Report 2012-3
  57. Kuva J.(ed.), Myllys M., Timonen J., Kelokaski M., Ikonen J., Siitari-Kauppi M., Lindberg A., Aaltonen I., 2012 - Microstructure, Porosity and Mineralogy Around Fractures in Olkiluoto Bedrock. Posiva Report 2012-2
  58. Monitoring at Olkiluoto – a Programme for the Period Before Repository Operation. Posiva Report 2012-1
  59. Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory Annual Report 2011. SKB TR-12-03
  60. KBS-3H Complementary studies, 2008-2010. SKB TR-12-01
  61. Areias L., Verstricht J., Fischer T., Philipp J., 2012 - Seismic Monitoring at the Underground Nuclear Research Laboratory in MOL, Belgium. WM2012 Conference Proceedings (on CD), Phoenix, AZ, United States, 26 February - 1 March 2012 / American Nuclear Society (ANS), Phoenix, AZ, United States, American Nuclear Society, 2012, p. 1-12
  62. Breen B.J., Garcia-Sineriz J.L., Maurer H., Mayer S., Schröder T.J., Verstricht J., 2012 - EC MoDeRn Project: In-situ Demonstration of Innovative Monitoring Technologies for Geological Disposal. WM2012 Conference Proceedings (on CD), Phoenix, AZ, United States, 26 February - 1 March 2012 / American Nuclear Society, Phoenix, AZ, United States, American Nuclear Society, 2012, p. 1-15
  63. Garitte B., Sillen X., Li Xiang Ling, Armand G., Vaunat J., Gens A., 2012 -Comparative study of three in-situ heating tests in anisotropic media: the HE-D, TER and ATLAS experiments. Impact of thermo-hydro-mechanical chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories. Proceedings of the European Commission TIMODAZ-THERESA International Conference, Luxembourg, 29 September – 1 October 2009, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 29 September - 1 October 2009 / European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, European Commission, 2012, p. 159-171
  64. Van Iseghem P., 2012 - Corrosion issues of radioactive waste packages in geological disposal systems. Nuclear corrosion science and engineering, Woodhead Publishing, p. 939-987
  65. Marivoet J., Weetjens E., 2012 - An Assessment of the Impact of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles on Geological Disposal. Radioactive Waste, s.l., Intechopen.com, p. 487-502
  66. Li Xiang Ling, Bastiaens W., Weetjens E., Sillen X., 2012 - The THM boundary conditions control in the design of the large scale in situ PRACLAY heater test. Impact of thermo-hydro-mechanical chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories. Proceedings of the European Commission TIMODAZ-THERESA International Conference, Luxembourg, 29 September – 1 October 2009, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 29 September - 1 October 2009 / European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, European Commission, p. 385-390
  67. Bollingerfehr W., Lerch C., Filbert W., Zhang Q., 2012 - Thermal-Mechanical Model Analysis used for Evaluating a Repository Concept for Heat-Generating Radioactive Waste in Salt-Rock. Mechanical Behavior of Salt. SaltMech7 Conference
  68. IAEA 2011 - Disposal of Radioactive Waste Specific Safety Requirements. IAEA Safety Standards Series SSR-5
  69. IAEA 2011 - The Management System for the Development of Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series NW-T-1.2
  70. IAEA 2011 - Viability of Sharing Facilities for the Disposal of Spent Fuel and Nuclear Waste. IAEA TECDOC 1658
  71. IAEA 2011 - Geological Disposal Facilities for Radioactive Waste. IAEA Safety Standards Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-14, Vienna 2011
  72. Pimenoff N., Venäläinen A., Järvinen H., 2011 - Climate scenarios for Olkiluoto on a Time-Scale of 120,000 Years. Posiva Report 2011-4
  73. Pulkkanen V-M., Nordman H., 2011 - Effects of Bedrock Fractures on Radionuclide Transport near a Vertical Deposition Hole for Spent Nuclear Fuel. Posiva Report 2011-3
  74. SKB 2011 - Long-term safety for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel at Forsmark Main report of the SR-Site project Volume I-III. SKB TR-11-01
  75. SKB 2011 - Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Annual report 2010. SKB TR-11-10
  76. SKB 2011 - Long-term safety for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel at Forsmark. Main report of the SR-Site project. Updated 2012-12. SKB TR-11-01
  77. SKB 2011 - Long-term safety for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel at Forsmark. Main report of the SR-Site project. SKB TR-11-01
  78. Beerten K., 2011 - Effects of global warming on the geosphere and hydrosphere for deep geological disposal, Mol-Dessel nuclear zone, Belgium. External Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; ER-143; CCHO 2009-0940000), ISSN 1782-2335
  79. Chen G., Sillen X., Verstricht J., Li Xiang Ling, 2011 - ATLAS III in situ heating test in boom clay: Field data, observation and interpretation. Computers and Geotechnics, 38:5(2011), p. 683-696, ISSN 0266-352X
  80. De Cannière P., Kursten B., Druyts F., Moors H., Gens R., 2011 - Sulphur-related issues in deep underground nuclear waste disposal systems. Sulphur-assisted corrosion in nuclear disposal systems, Leeds, United Kingdom, Maney Publishing, p. 165-169
  81. Yu L., Weetjens E., Perko J., Mallants D., 2011 - Comparison of Numerical Tools Through Thermo-Hydro-Gas Transport Modeling for a Geological Repository in Boom Clay. 2009 TOUGH2 Symposium , Berkeley, CA, United States, 14-16 September 2009.- In: Nuclear Technology, 174:3(2011), p. 411-423, ISSN 0029-5450
  82. Van Geet M., De Craen M., Beerten K., Leterme B., Mallants D., Wouters L., Cool W., Brassinnes S., 2011 - Climate evolution in the long-term safety assessment of surface and geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste in Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 15:1-2(2011), p. 8-15, ISSN 1374-8505
  83. IAEA 2010 - Technological Implications of International Safeguards for Geological Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NW-T-1.21
  84. NEA-OECD 2010 - Geoscientific Information in the Radioactive Waste Management Safety Case. OECD Publications Service
  85. SKB 2010 - RD&D Programme for research, development and demonstration of methods for the management and disposal of nuclear waste. SKB TR-10-63
  86. Cuss R. J., Harringtong J. F., Noy D. J., 2010 - Large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) performed at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Summary report 2008. SKB TR-10-38
  87. Neretnieks Ivars, Liu Longcheng, Moreno Luis, 2010 - Mass transfer between waste canister and water seeping in rock fractures. Revisiting the Q-equivalent model. SKB TR-10-42
  88. Dueck A., 2010 - Thermo-mechanical cementation effects in bentonite investigated by unconfined compression tests. SKB TR-10-41
  89. Winberg A. (editor), 2010 - Fault Rock Zones Characterisation - Final report. TRUE-1 Continuation Project. SKB TR-10-36
  90. Hökmark H., Lönnqvist M., Fälth B., 2010 - THM-issues in repository rock. Thermal, mechanical, thermo-mechanical and hydro-mechanical evolution of the rock at the Forsmark and Laxemar sites. Updated 2011-10. SKB TR-10-23
  91. Hallbeck L., 2010 - Principal organic materials in a repository for spent nuclear fuel. Updated 2010-10. SKB TR-10-19
  92. SKB 2010 - Design, construction and initial state of the underground openings. Updated 2013-01. SKB TR-10-18
  93. SKB 2010 - Spent nuclear fuel for disposal in the KBS-3 repository. Updated 2011-12. SKB TR-10-13
  94. SKB 2010 - Design and production of the KBS-3 repository. SKB TR-10-12
  95. Åkesson M., Kristensson O., Börgesson L., Dueck A., Hernelind J., 2010 - THM modelling of buffer, backfill and other system components. Critical processes and scenarios. SKB TR-10-11
  96. Weetjens E., Marivoet J., Seetharam S., 2010 - Performance indicators Quantifying the Contribution of Safety Functions to the Confinement of Radionuclides in a Geological Repository System. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIV. Symposium Proceedings, San Fransisco, United States, 5-9 April 2010 / MRS, Warrendale, PA, United States, Materials Research Society, 2010, p. 191-196
  97. Wang L., Jacques D., De Cannière P., 2010 - Effects of an alkaline plume on the Boom Clay as a potential host formation for geological disposal of radioactive waste. (External Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; ER-28; CCHO 2000-773/00/00), ISSN 1782-2335
  98. Verstricht J., Areias L., Bastiaens W., Li Xiang Ling, 2010 - Measurement techniques for in situ stresses around underground constructions in a deep clay formation. Proceedings 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 14), Poitiers, FRANCE, July 4-9, France, 4-9 July 2010 / EuraSEM, Poitiers, France, EDP Sciences, 2010, p. 1-8
  99. Van Iseghem P., Marivoet J., 2010 - Safety Assessment of Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Boom Clay: Relation with the Radionuclide Inventory Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 11-15 October 2009 / ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), IME (Institution of Mechanical engineers) and NI (Nuclear Institute) , Fairfield, NJ, United States, ASME, p. 1-6
  100. Martens E., Maes N., Weetjens E., Van Gompel M., Van Ravestyn L., 2010 – Modelling of a Large-scale In-situ Migration Experiment with 14C-labelled Natural Organic Matter in Boom Clay. Radiochimica Acta, 98:9-11(2010), p. 695-701, ISSN 0033-8230
  101. Marivoet J., Weetjens E., Raeymaekers F., Seetharam S., 2010 - Testing Safety and Performance Indicators for a Geological Repository in Clay. External Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; ER-125; EC 6th Framework, Pamina WP3.4, ISSN 1782-2335
  102. Li Xiang Ling, Bastiaens W., Van Marcke P., Verstricht J., Chen G., Weetjens E., Sillen X., 2010 - Design and development of large-scale in-situ PRACLAY heater test and horizontal high-level radioactive waste disposal gallery seal test in Belgian HADES. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2:2, p. 103-110, ISSN 1674-7755
  103. Pöhler M., Jobmann M., 2010 - Reference disposal concept for a final repository for HLW in a clay formation in Germany. DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Peine, Germany
  104. IAEA 2009 - Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Technological Implications for Retrievability Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Technological Implications for Retrievability. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NW-T-1.19
  105. IAEA 2009 - Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities. Safety Standards Series № GSR, Part 4
  106. Sundberg J., Back Pär-Erik, Ländell M., Sundberg A., 2009 - Modelling of temperature in deep boreholes and evaluation of geothermal heat flow at Forsmark and Laxemar. Updated 2010-09. SKB TR-09-14
  107. SKB 2009 - Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Annual report 2008. SKB TR-09-10
  108. SKB 2009 - Site description of Laxemar at completion of the site investigation phase. SDM-Site Laxemar. SKB TR-09-01
  109. Charlier R., Chambon R., Li Xiang Ling, Dizier A., Sieffert Y., Collin F., Levasseur S., 2009 - TIMODAZ - Modelling the Excavated Damage Zone around an underground gallery - Coupling mechanical, thermal and hydraulical aspects. Conference proceedings. EURADWASTE'08. EURADWASTE, the Seventh European Commission Conference on the Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 20-23 October 2008 / European Commission, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, European Commission, p. 441-445
  110. Chen G., Ledesma A. J., 2009 - Coupled Thermohydromechanical Modeling of the Full-Scale In Situ Test “Prototype Repository”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 135:1, p. 121-132, ISSN 1090-0241
  111. Ferrand K., Valcke E., 2009 - CORALUS An integrated in situ corrosion test on α-active HLW glass, phase 2004-2008. Topical Report on the analysis of the DKW/Pamela glass samples loaded on test tube 3. External Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; ER-96; CCHO 2004-2470/00/00 DS 251 A21/1.6), ISSN 1782-2335
  112. Honty M., De Craen M., Van Geet M., 2009 - SMARAGD - The study of Mineral Alterations of clay barriers used for Radwaste storage and its Geological Disposal. Conference proceedings. EURADWASTE'08. EURADWASTE, the Seventh European Commission Conference on the Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 20-23 October 2008, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, European Commission, p. 511-515
  113. Valcke E., Mariën A., Van Geet M., 2009 - The methodology followed in Belgium to investigate the compatibility with geological disposal of Eurobitum bituminized intermediate-level radioactive waste. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIII. Symposium Proceedings. Volume 1193, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 25-29 May 2009 / V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Warrendale, PA, United States, Materials Research Socielty, p. 105-116
  114. Marivoet J., Weetjens E., 2009 - Impact of Advanced Fuel Cycles on Geological Disposal. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIII. Symposium Proceedings. Volume 1193, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 25-29 May 2009 / V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute, Warrendale, PA, United States, Materials Research Socielty, p. 117-126
  115. Saari J., 2008 - Seismicity in the Olkiluoto Area. Posiva Report 2008-4
  116. Pedersen K., 2008 - Microbiology of Olkiluoto Groundwater, 2004-2006. Posiva Report 2008-2
  117. SKB 2008 - Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Annual report 2007. SKB TR-08-10
  118. SKB 2008 - Site description of Forsmark at completion of the site investigation phase. SDM-Site Forsmark. Updated 2012-08. SKB TR-08-05
  119. Honty M., 2008 - SMARAGD. The Study of Mineral Alterations of clay barriers used for Radwaste storage and its Geological Disposal. Final activity report. External Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; ER-58; Intra European Fellowships - EIF, contract number 028403), ISSN 1782-2335
  120. Valcke E., Lemmens K., Van Iseghem P., Godon N., Jollivet P., Jockwer N., Wieczorek K., Pozo C., 2008 - CORALUS: an integrated in situ test on the corrosion of α-active (SON68) HLW glass. Radioactive waste disposal in geological formations. Proceedings, Braunschweig, Germany, 5-9 November 2007 / GRS, Braunschweig, Germany, GRS, p. 187-198
  121. Raeymaekers F., Weetjens E., Marivoet J., 2008 - Geological disposal of PAMELA and compacted structural and technological waste: Radiological consequences in the case of the expected evolution scenario. External Report of the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre; ER-78, ISSN 1782-2335
  122. Mallants D., Jacques D., Perko J., 2008 - Modelling multi-phase flow phenomena in concrete barriers used for geological disposal of radioactive waste. The 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Bruges, Belgium, 2-6 September 2007 / ASME, Fairfield, NJ, United States, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, p. 1-9